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4 Foods That Boost Your Metabolism At Night And Promote Weight Loss

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Weight loss and maintaining a healthy metabolism are common concerns, especially for those looking to optimize their diet and achieve better results. Although the metabolism usually slows down at night, there are some foods that can help keep it active and therefore contribute to weight loss.

In the vast field of health and wellness, the relationship between metabolism and weight loss has become a central topic of discussion and study, as it arouses great interest among the population. Without a doubt, this set of processes that occur in the body to maintain proper functioning is frequently mentioned as the key factor or as the one responsible for an individual’s ability to lose weight. It is very likely that, on more than one occasion, we have heard that there are people who tend to gain weight or who have greater difficulty losing it because their metabolism is slow, on the other hand, when they are thinner or maintain a healthy weight, it is because it works correctly and more quickly.

Ultimately, as nutritionist, Daniela Ballesteros explained to Bienestar, metabolism, described as the set of biochemical processes by which the body transforms food and drink into energy, influences weight loss because it determines the number of calories the body burns at rest (basal metabolism) and during physical activity. For this reason, a more active metabolism can facilitate weight loss by increasing total energy expenditure.

“However, it is important to keep in mind that the complexity of metabolism and its influence on weight loss does not lie in a one-size-fits-all solution. In other words, this process varies from person to person, since there are several factors, such as genetics, age, sex, level of physical activity, and body composition that play significant roles in how energy is stored and burned in the body,” said Giulianna Saldarriaga, a nutritionist at the Clínica Internacional.

How does nocturnal metabolism affect weight loss?

Basically, during the night, basal metabolism decreases slightly, but the body continues to perform vital functions that require energy, such as breathing, blood circulation, and regulating body temperature. In addition, as Ballesteros said, there are cell repair and regeneration processes that can be supported by certain nutrients or foods.

Metabolism, a set of chemical processes that keep our cells and organs functioning, can be a great ally in weight loss if we know how to stimulate it properly.

What are the most effective foods to stimulate metabolism at night?

During this period of the day, the metabolism tends to slow down, so it is possible to influence it with an appropriate choice of foods that can stimulate it in some way. Therefore, the specialist from the International Clinic recommended the following:

“Likewise, it is essential to consider that foods rich in fiber help regulate blood glucose levels and improve insulin sensitivity. Certainly, maintaining stable blood glucose levels during the night can significantly favor a more constant and efficient metabolism, thus avoiding insulin spikes that could inhibit fat burning. Of course, these foods and nutrients can not only directly impact nocturnal metabolism, but also support metabolic functions in general. Therefore, by integrating these foods into a balanced diet adapted to individual needs, metabolism can be optimized both during the day and night, positively influencing weight loss and metabolic health,” said Dr. Ballesteros.

Are there foods we should avoid at night to avoid slowing down our metabolism?

To maintain an active metabolism and promote a good quality of sleep at night, it is suggested to avoid certain foods, especially those that are rich in saturated and trans fats, an added sugars, as well as those containing high levels of caffeine and alcohol. Indeed, these foods can interfere with digestion, cause fluctuations in blood glucose levels, and disrupt sleep, which in turn could slow down the metabolism and negatively affect metabolic health in the long term.

Many ultra-processed foods contain high levels of sugar and saturated or trans fats. For this reason, excessive consumption, especially at night, can interfere with fat metabolism, promoting fat storage in the body and making weight loss difficult.

Do dietary supplements help speed up metabolism overnight?

According to the nutritionist, there are no dietary supplements specifically designed to effectively and safely boost metabolism overnight. However, some ingredients can have moderate effects on overall metabolism, regardless of the time of day they are consumed.

“For example, magnesium is a mineral that plays a crucial role in multiple metabolic processes, including energy production and blood glucose regulation. Without a doubt, magnesium deficiency can negatively impact metabolism and physical performance. Therefore, consuming enough of this micronutrient through diet or supplements can promote a healthier metabolism.”

What are the most common myths about nocturnal metabolism and weight loss?

Regular physical activity plays a vital role, as it not only burns calories during exercise but also increases basal metabolic rate as lean muscle mass develops and is maintained. Muscle mass is metabolically active and burns more calories than other tissues, even at rest, which helps maintain a healthy weight in the long term.

What other healthy habits can improve metabolism and weight loss?

First of all, it is important to be clear that there are a variety of factors that can influence metabolism, one of them being diet, as well as age, which is a very important point, since when one is small, the consumption of calories per kilo of weight is much higher, up to 3 or 4 times more than what an adult requires, given that children are in a stage of development and growth, so the metabolism is constantly active. On the other hand, when this growth stops – between 18 and 20 years – it decreases and, more or less from the age of 35 or 40 it becomes increasingly slower as we age, which is why we lose muscle mass, which is a tissue that promotes the activation of this set of biochemical processes.

“However, regardless of age, if a person does regular exercise, especially strength training, they will prevent their metabolism from slowing down, thus achieving proper functioning and, therefore, good general health. It is also essential to rest properly since lack of sleep can negatively affect hunger and metabolism hormones, which contributes to weight gain. Likewise, to have an active metabolism, it is necessary to maintain good hydration, as well as avoid unhealthy habits, such as smoking or drinking alcohol in excess,” stressed the specialist from the Ricardo Palma Clinic.

How long before bedtime is it advisable to eat your last meal to improve your metabolism?

In general, as Ballesteros indicated, it is recommended to eat the last meals of the day two to three hours before going to sleep. Specifically, this allows the body enough time to digest food before going to bed, which can improve the quality of sleep and avoid digestive discomfort during the night. For this reason, it is important to adapt the time of food consumption according to its nutritional properties and potential effects on the body to promote adequate rest and maintain a healthy metabolism throughout the sleep cycle.

“Finally, it is essential to consider that, to maintain an active and healthy metabolism, that is, within its normal functions, not only is it essential to have a diet based on all the foods previously mentioned, but it is also essential not to skip the main meals – breakfast, lunch, and dinner – which should be complete and balanced. In general, meals tend to be very spaced out, so it is advisable to have small snacks or healthy snacks during the mid-morning and afternoon, to avoid overeating throughout the day,” said Velásquez Pérez.

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