Oral Problems In The Elderly

Many factors influence oral health in older adults. In addition to the passage of timesome medications taken for medical reasons can reduce saliva and affect oral health. Good oral health is also very important to avoid complications in general health.

These are the most common oral problems that should be prevented:


It is a complex disorder that causes pain and a feeling of dryness in the mouth. There is a decrease in saliva production and patients report always having a dry mouth.

  • Teeth can’t fight cavities
  • The mouth is more vulnerable to anaerobic bacteria and bad breath
  • Difficulty swallowing food
  • More susceptible to periodontal disease and tooth loss
Oral health requires regular attention.

Oral health requires regular attention. GENERAL COUNCIL OF DENTISTS AND FDE


Periodontal (or gum) disease is an infection of the tissues that surround and support the teeth. It is a leading cause of tooth loss in older adults. Because it is usually painless, people may not even know they have it.

  • Gum health: Pink gums, attached to the teeth, do not bleed when brushing, and do not contain tartar.
  • Gingivitis: Calculus buildup on the tooth and inflammation of the gum (red). Bleeding when brushing.
  • Periodontitis: Inflammation causes the gum to separate from the tooth, forming a pocket. Moderate bone loss.
  • Advanced periodontitis: Severe bone loss and very deep pocket. The tooth is often mobile and in danger of being lost.

Stages of periodontal disease. GENERAL COUNCIL OF DENTISTS AND FDE


Chronic inflammation caused by periodontal disease (pyorrhea) facilitates the appearance of other pathologies, such as cardiovascular diseases.

This is because oral bacteria enter the bloodstream through inflamed gums. They attach to fatty plaques in the bloodstream, contributing to vascular blockage. This causes blood vessels to swell, reducing blood flow and increasing the risk of blood clots and thromboses.