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To those Who Are Considering An Abortion

Abortion or not abortion can be a difficult choice. Most people talk to their partner, friends, or family about this. Still, there are also many other options for information and advice – including from the GP, health center, and social services office.

The Abortion Act gives you the right to request an abortion yourself before the end of the twelfth week of pregnancy. You must claim to have an abortion carried out through a doctor, most do this at the GP, but you can also apply directly to the hospital where the abortion is to be carried out. The doctor must inform you about how the procedure is performed and any complications. The doctor must also give you information about society’s support if you choose to complete the pregnancy. You do not have to justify your choice, and you choose whether you want to receive guidance or advice.

Deciding to complete or terminate a pregnancy can be a very difficult decision. To be as sure as possible when choosing, it can be useful to talk to someone about this. Surveys show that most people in your situation talk to their partner, close friends, or family.

Sometimes it can be difficult to discuss with your loved ones whether you should terminate or complete the pregnancy. There are then several institutions and public bodies you can turn to. Private organizations also offer talks and advice.

Below you will find examples of places where you can turn to for information and advice.

Public offers of advice and guidance

  • As mentioned, most people use their GP in this situation. The doctor can provide information about the support society can provide if you choose to keep the child. You can also get advice on where to go next to discuss the choice you are facing. Relevant places can be the health center, the social services office, or a priest. Some hospitals have their advisers who can help you.
  • In many municipalities, health centers have been set up for young people, usually up to the age of 20, which specifically provide advice on pregnancy and contraception.
  • If you have already requested an abortion, you can ask for guidance at the hospital. The doctors at the hospital have the same duty to provide information as the doctors in the primary healthcare service. The hospital can refer you to a social worker or other advisers.
  • The county governor provides information on adoption. If you want to complete the pregnancy and are considering adoption, you can get more information here.

Abortion method

Today you can choose between medical and surgical abortion. Medical abortion has become the most used method and accounted for 92.4 percent of all abortions in 2019. Medical abortion can be carried out at home if it is done within the tenth week of pregnancy. Surgical abortion requires a one-day hospital stay. You can get help choosing an abortion method from both a GP and a hospital doctor.

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