These Foods Cause Or Relieve Headaches: Pay Attention To The List

Find out which foods you should avoid and which ones to include in your diet to keep headaches at bay.

Migraines are the third most common and serious illness in the world, according to the Migraine Research Foundation. One in 20 adults suffers from headache every day. What if the solution wasn’t a painkiller, but a change in diet?

Foods that relieve headaches

  • 1- Cherries and cherry juice

Cherries have anti-inflammatory properties that can be compared to ibuprofen. A study in Medicine and Sport Science suggests that tart cherry juice could reduce the frequency of migraines by up to 78%. Keeping cherry juice on hand could be beneficial if you’re feeling under the weather.

  • 2- Café

Coffee is a double-edged sword. Caffeine is a common ingredient in migraine medications, but excessive consumption can cause withdrawal headaches

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  • 3- Olive oil

Olive oil contains oleocanthal, an enzyme that reduces cyclooxygenase activity, similar to ibuprofen. Although the effect is minor, regular consumption of olive oil may reduce the frequency of headaches over time.

  • 4- Almonds

Rich in magnesium, almonds can help reduce headaches. The American Migraine Foundation recommends 400 to 500 mg of magnesium daily to prevent migraines, and one cup of almonds provides 80 mg.

  • 5- Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds, especially helpful for hormonal headaches, contain vitamin E, which stabilizes estrogen levels and improves blood flow, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine.

  • 6- Cucumbers

Composed of 95% water, cucumbers are great for hydration and preventing migraines, according to nutritionist Cassandra Barns. They are an effective natural remedy for relieving and preventing headaches.

  • 7- Green leafy vegetables

Vegetables such as spinach and kale, rich in folate, may reduce the frequency of migraines, according to a study by the Queensland University of Technology.

  • 8- Avocado

Avocados contain antioxidants such as B vitamins, folic acid, and vitamin E, which may reduce the frequency of migraines. They also help you lose weight, which can prevent headaches since obesity increases the risk of migraines.

  • 9- Pan integral

Whole-grain bread is a healthy choice for those who suffer from frequent migraines. Obesity Reviews associates the consumption of whole grains with a lower risk of migraines.

Foods that aggravate headaches

  • 1- Diet drinks

Diet sodas, while seemingly a healthier option, can aggravate migraines due to artificial sweeteners and caffeine. Researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center found that three servings a day are likely to trigger migraines.

  • 2- Soy sauce

Soy products, including soy sauce, can be headache triggers. The tyramine and monosodium glutamate they contain are potential migraine triggers.

Listeriosis is a bacterial infection caused by Listeria monocytogenes, a bacterium that can infect different organs of the human body, such as the brain or spinal cord membranes or the bloodstream, among others. As explained by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it is a disease that occurs through an infection such as consuming food contaminated by said bacteria. Therefore, anyone, regardless of age or condition, can contract listeriosis. However, there are groups of people who are at greater risk of becoming ill from this pathology, such as newborns, the elderly, people with weakened immune systems, and pregnant women. The signs and symptoms caused by a Listeria infection can vary depending on the person who is infected, as well as the part of the body that is affected. For example, Listeria can cause invasive disease, meaning the bacteria have spread outside the intestines. In this case, the illness would cause symptoms such as fever, headache, stiff neck, confusion, loss of balance, seizures, and even muscle aches and fatigue, similar to those that occur with a cold. On the other hand, Listeria can also cause intestinal disease, although this type of illness is rarely diagnosed because laboratories do not usually test patients' stool samples. In the latter case, symptoms are usually milder, but often include diarrhea and vomiting. Listeria infections can be more serious in pregnant women, since the disease can pose a significant risk. Thus, pregnant women may not have obvious symptoms of listeriosis, but the fetus can also become infected, which, in the worst cases, can cause a miscarriage from the second month of pregnancy, being more frequent in the fifth and sixth months. What foods can spread listeriosis? Listeriosis is contracted through Listeria monocytogenes, a bacteria widely distributed in nature that can be found in water and soil. In addition, Listeria is a bacteria that can also be found in the body of some animals, and can even remain on some surfaces such as countertops and instruments. Therefore, it is most common to contract listeriosis after having eaten contaminated food, or food that has come into contact with the bacteria, since, although it is not very resistant to heat, it is resistant to cold, and can even grow at low temperatures in the refrigerator. In this case, the products most likely to be contaminated by the bacteria responsible for listeriosis,According to the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU), they are raw milk; raw milk derivatives, such as unpasteurized cheeses, made with fresh milk or cream; undercooked pork; meat products made with contaminated and unpasteurized meats, such as pâtés; cooked and cured sausages; some fish; and prepared and ready-to-eat meals. Is it possible to prevent listeriosis? The prevention of listeriosis must begin at the beginning of the food chain, in agricultural production, and must be taken into account in all the following stages, such as the production, manufacturing and preparation of food. Likewise, this bacteria must be kept at bay both in commercial establishments and in homes. In this way, preventing and avoiding listeriosis infection is possible if some aspects are taken into account. For example, since Listeria is a bacteria that survives cold but not heat, to kill it, it is advisable to cook food at high temperatures or pasteurize it. In addition, the best protection will always be to maintain basic sanitary measures, such as using only pasteurized dairy products, eating cooked meats and washing hands thoroughly before preparing food. In the case of pregnant women and people with weakened immune systems, it is important to take special care, since the disease can be more serious. Therefore, in these cases it is advisable to avoid foods that may contain the bacteria Listeria monocytogenes, such as soft cheeses and raw sausages.The best protection is always to maintain basic health measures, such as using only pasteurized dairy products, eating cooked meats and washing hands thoroughly before preparing food. Pregnant women and people with weakened immune systems should be especially careful, as the disease can be more serious. Therefore, in these cases it is advisable to avoid foods that may contain the Listeria monocytogenes bacteria, such as soft cheeses and raw sausages.The best protection is always to maintain basic health measures, such as using only pasteurized dairy products, eating cooked meats and washing hands thoroughly before preparing food. Pregnant women and people with weakened immune systems should be especially careful, as the disease can be more serious. Therefore, in these cases it is advisable to avoid foods that may contain the Listeria monocytogenes bacteria, such as soft cheeses and raw sausages.
  • 3- Cured cheeses

Cheeses like Swiss, Brie, Cheddar, and Parmesan contain tyramine, a compound that can break down monoamine oxidase in the body and trigger migraines, according to Penn State Medicine.

  • 4- Smoked fish

Smoked salmon and other dried fish contain preservatives that can cause headaches, explains the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy.

  • 5- Chewing gum

Chewing gum can cause headaches due to tension in the temporomandibular joint or the sweetener aspartame. Quitting gum reduces the frequency of headaches by 87%, according to a study by Tel Aviv University.

  • 6- Artificial sweeteners

Regular consumption of artificial sweeteners like aspartame can cause migraines, although it takes a large amount to induce pain, according to the American Headache Society.

  • 7- Onions

Smelling raw onions may be a major trigger for headaches, stimulating the trigeminal nerve and causing inflammation and pain, according to a study published in Headache.

  • 8- Dairy products

Dairy products with casein may cause migraines. Following a casein-free diet may help prevent headaches, according to Intelligent Medicine.

  • 9- Chocolate

Chocolate is a common trigger due to the nitrates that are converted to nitric oxide in the body and cause migraines.

  • 10- Processed meats

Processed meats contain nitrates, which are known to cause migraines, according to scientists at the University of Cincinnati.

  • 11- Hot peppers

Hot peppers can cause severe headaches. Kulothungan Gunasekaran, MD, of Henry Ford Hospital, explains that susceptibility varies among individuals, and there is currently not enough conclusive research.


Prevalence of migraine

  • High incidence: approximately 12-13% of the population suffers from migraine, which is equivalent to more than 5 million people.
  • Gender: Women are more affected than men, with a ratio of 3:1. It is estimated that around 18% of women and 6% of men suffer from migraines.
  • Age: Migraine is most common between the ages of 20 and 50, although it can affect people of all ages, including children and adolescents.

Socioeconomic impact

  • Direct and indirect costs:  Migraine represents a significant economic cost for both individuals and society. Direct costs include medical expenses and treatments, while indirect costs include loss of work productivity and sick days.
  • Loss of productivity: Migraines are one of the main causes of absenteeism and loss of productivity at work.