Makeup: A Therapy To Regain Self-Esteem

Therapeutic makeup reduces the psychological suffering of patients with skin lesions caused by burns, wounds or other skin disorders, experts explain.

Therapeutic makeup can improve anxiety, self-esteem, and psychological suffering in patients with skin lesions caused by skin diseases, burns, wounds, or oncological processes. This was made clear during a workshop sponsored by Pierre Fabre laboratories at the XVII National Congress of Dermatological Nursing, Dermatocosmetics and Wounds. “Holding practical workshops is especially important for their scientific and informative contribution. In addition, from the educational point of view, they provide great added value to the congresses because they promote the proximity of teachers to professionals,” says Maribel Pastor, president of Anedidic.

It is a care treatment carried out by health professionals, especially nurses, which consists of applying cosmetic products to the skin of a patient who has skin lesions in visible areas, to minimize the visual impact they produce and, in turn, alter the perception that the affected person has of their body image, helping to improve their self-esteem and reduce anxiety.

“Nurses carry out the entire process of applying make-up, from therapeutic assessment to nursing diagnosis, including planning and execution of the practice and evaluation of its results from a scientific perspective,” explains Isabel María Pérez Conde, a specialist in Pediatric Nursing at the La Paz University Hospital in Madrid.


Therapeutic makeup is indicated for patients with vitiligo, acne, dyschromia, rosacea, alopecia, epidermolysis bullosa, who are undergoing an oncological process or who suffer from any skin condition that modifies the integrity of their skin.

However, not all makeup products are suitable for these cases. They must be tested on sensitive and fragile skin, be hypoallergenic, and contain ingredients that provide comfort. Precisely for this reason, it is important to highlight the importance of using safe and quality dermocosmetic products. “This type of initiative is a training and information task that indirectly allows us to improve the quality of life of patients and recommend appropriate dermo-cosmetic products for effective and natural skin coverage, especially in those cases where alterations are sought to be camouflaged,” stresses Mary Carmen Muiños, medical marketing affairs at Pierre Fabre laboratories.

Finally, all experts agree that therapeutic makeup can help reduce anxiety levels and improve social and work relationships allowing them to have a better quality of life.