Knees: What Are The Most Common Complications And How To Prevent Them?

The knees support part of the body weight. This prevents the most common complications due to sports events or age.

“Why do my knees hurt ?” They bear most of the weight of the body when standing. They are primarily responsible for flexion and extension movements. Their important function means that they are exposed to pain or discomfort in the area. 

Some common complications can result from a sporting event or physical exercise, such as a ligament tear or a meniscus problem.

Other medical conditions, such as arthritis, gout, or wear and tear of the cartilage in the kneecap (osteoarthritis), can cause knee pain and develop over time.

Although joint wear increases over time, only complex cases that negatively affect the quality of life require surgery. Each case is individual and must be analyzed by a specialist.

In short, knee pain is a common problem that can arise from different causes (more than you suspect); it is not always due to an underlying disease, however: it affects people of all ages .

Why knees hurt: common complications

Knee pain is common in people of all ages, as the most common complications in this part of the body may be related to sports injuries or the natural wear and tear that occurs over the years.

As we age we may start to experience some discomfort in our knees, so it is important to strengthen them with appropriate exercises.

But before learning how we can prevent medical conditions that appear over the years, we suggest you know what the most common causes of knee pain are :

  • Inactivity. Lack of physical activity promotes wear and tear on the joints.
  • Repetitive trauma. Joint wear and tear on the knees has been common over the years, but in children and young adults, pain can be associated with trauma (sometimes repetitive) resulting from a sports injury.
  • Running. This is one of the most recommended and popular activities. Jogging for a few kilometers is healthy, but when you exercise on hard surfaces, such as tiles, cement, or pavement, it can cause problems for your knees due to wear and tear.
  • Excess weight. The knees bear most of the body’s weight. Being overweight or obese therefore increases the load on the knees and encourages cartilage degradation.

How to prevent knee pain

Sports injuries can occur at any age, while the incidence of knee joint wear and tear increases with the aging process, and only the most severe cases require surgery for treatment.

However, to prevent knee pain that so affects your quality of life, keep in mind the following healthy tips that are useful for protecting your knees from trauma.

#Physical exercises. To maintain good knee health, it is crucial to keep the muscles in optimal condition and to be active. This is achieved through resistance exercises that strengthen the periarticular structures and act as support for the knee.

Regular movement, stretching and strengthening exercises, and activities such as cycling and swimming are a great help in staying active and promoting joint elasticity.

#Jogging on suitable surfaces. It is advisable to use surfaces that prevent knee injuries, such as treadmills, tartan tracks, or surfaces with grass, sand, or wood. It is also essential to wear good sports shoes.

#Healthy weight. It is important to maintain a healthy weight over time, because being overweight can put additional pressure on joints, accelerating their wear.

#Self-medication. It is key not to self-medicate when you feel pain in your knees. For example, corticosteroids are strong anti-inflammatories that should be taken with great care.

#Collagen. Although it is effective in controlled doses, its constant use in the medium term can cause side effects on the stomach, bones, and kidneys.

Therefore, although the use of collagen, both intra-articularly and orally, works to control symptoms and increase joint mobility, it must be taken under a doctor’s prescription.

Not all products available on the market are good, and it is crucial to verify that the collagen is hydrolyzed to achieve real benefits.

#Correct posture. It is important to maintain a correct posture and avoid positions that may harm the knees.

Keep in mind that sitting for long periods repeatedly going up and down stairs, and lifting weights can all contribute to joint wear and tear on your knees  To prevent this, it is advisable to get up and move around for about five minutes every hour.

In conclusion, to avoid knee pain it is important to maintain a healthy weight, do physical activity regularly, follow a correct joint warm-up and stretching routine, and adopt good posture during daily activities.

However, it is important to consult a doctor if a symptom persists, as this is the best way to ensure proper joint health.