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What Is The Best Pill For Fatty Liver: This Is How You Can Clean It

This is the first drug used in the world to treat fatty liver. It blocks the concentration of fat in this organ.

Fatty liver, also known as fatty liver disease or hepatic steatosis, is a condition that occurs when a significant amount of fat accumulates in the liver cells.

It should be noted that there are two types of fatty liver :

Therefore, generally, the pills that are indicated for the treatment of fatty liver, have the purpose of promoting liver health, acting synergistically in its detoxification, protection, and regeneration.

What pills are good for removing fatty liver?

Fatty liver disease is the most common liver disease, affecting approximately 20-30% of the general population in developed countries.

There is a possibility of treating a fatty liver by combining a series of drugs with positive results. 

In this regard, a study on the treatment of fatty liver, published in the Journal of Hepatology, has taken into consideration the effectiveness of three drugssemaglutide (causes weight loss), cyclofexor, and firsocostat (which reduces the amount of body fat and that of the liver).

The study involved 108 patients diagnosed with fatty liver and showed good general tolerance, although they also reported certain gastrointestinal side effects, such as nausea, diarrhea, and constipation.

As a result, researchers found that the various groups of participants achieved a weight loss of 7-10% compared to their baseline weight. 

In addition, they discovered that combining the three drugs allows for better results in fatty liver parameters, compared to administering a single drug.

Therefore, it seems that the triple combination of these drugs achieves a significant improvement in fatty liver parameters and may be useful for its treatment. However, further study is needed, including a larger number of patients with this pathology.

What is the best medicine to cleanse the liver?

Named resmetirom, this drug is the first compound used to combat fatty liver worldwide. It is a type of drug that belongs to the family of so-called thyroid hormone receptor beta agonists (THR).

This medicine helps to reduce the amount of fat that can accumulate in the liver. Therefore, it is used with effective results and good tolerance to treat people with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and moderate to severe scarring of the liver.

In addition, resmetiron helps reduce bad cholesterol (LDL), therefore, it is considered to have a protective effect against heart disease.

As for its effectiveness, preliminary results of a study published in The New England Journal of Medicine based on patients who have received the treatment for 4 and a half years, suggest “ a decrease in the risk of progression of liver disease and cardiovascular complications  

These results suggest an important clinical benefit in the medium to long term for patients with fatty liver disease.

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