How Long Can A Diabetic Go Without Insulin?

Find out what happens in the body of a diabetic if insulin is not applied for a while and what the consequences are.

Glucose is a simple form of sugar found in sugary foods and drinks and is transported by the blood to the cells and converted into energy. For this process to work normally, the action of insulin (hormone) is essential.

A malfunction of the insulin hormone leads to the development of diabetes, and type 1 diabetics in particular are insulin-dependent. This means that they need to take this medication for the rest of their lives.

But what can happen if they are not injected? How long can a person with this condition go without insulin? Below are all the details. 

When you need to take insulin

In people with type 1 diabetes, insulin production is zero, therefore, diabetics must apply this medication every day for the rest of their lives.

In people with type 2 diabetes, there is insufficient secretion accompanied by the inability of the cells to respond adequately to the action of this hormone, which produces “insulin resistance”.

In this case, the treatment may change, a fundamental pillar is lifestyle (diet, exercise), but it may include oral medication and, eventually, resort to injectable drugs, such as the so-called “GLP-1 agonists ” and insulin.

Gestational diabetes can also occur during pregnancy. This is detected between weeks 24 and 28 of gestation. Glucose levels are strictly monitored and, if necessary, insulin is administered, which is safe and very useful for avoiding complications for the mother and the baby.


What happens in the body when it runs out of insulin

When a person with diabetes does not receive insulin in their body, the cells do not get enough glucose and the liver begins to convert part of the fat into acids called ketones .

These are deposited in the blood and it becomes acidic, quickly causing diabetic ketoacidosis . This condition involves a combination of very high blood sugar, dehydration and shock, and exhaustion.

How long can a diabetic go without insulin?

There is no single answer to this question because it depends on the type of diabetes. Let’s see:

People with type 2 diabetes eventually resort to insulin administration, depending on other treatment options such as medication; therefore, it is estimated that they could live a long time, even years, without insulin.

In contrast, people with type 1 diabetes are insulin-dependent; many receive insulin treatment from childhood or adolescence.

To survive without insulin they need to maintain a restricted carbohydrate diet and be well hydrated, but the absence of this substance in the body can cause diabetic ketoacidosis: a serious acute metabolic complication of diabetes, more common in people with type 1 diabetes.

In this case, people with type 1 diabetes are at risk of rapid death from diabetic ketoacidosis. This condition progresses in a matter of days and can worsen the diabetic’s condition in one, two, or three days, and they may survive for one or two weeks.

However, experts say that the survival time of a person with type 1 diabetes without insulin, affected by diabetic ketoacidosis, cannot be determined with precision. It is relative because its progression also depends on the level of hydration and the amount of carbohydrates consumed.