From Headaches And Insomnia To Vomiting And Nausea: The Hidden Medicinal Uses Of Carnation

The carnation, also known as Dianthus caryophyllus by its scientific name, is a plant belonging to the Dianthus species that is native to the Mediterranean region and is very popular today for its ornamental use, its pleasant aroma, and its striking colors.

Mentioned in Greek literature for 2000 years, its name comes from the Greek “god” (divine) and “anthos” (flower), while “carnation” would be derived from the Latin corona-ae (crown) or “caro” (flesh). ), in allusion to Christian iconography in which it is said that this flower finds its origin in the tears of the Virgin Mary when Jesus Christ was carried to Mount Golgotha ​​carrying the cross.

According to the Atlas of the Plants of Traditional Mexican Medicine, published by the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), this herb lasts more than a year and can measure up to 75 centimeters in height.

The leaves are characterized by being narrow and elongated, up to 15 centimeters, blue-green; For its part, the fruits are capsules that contain numerous seeds.

The flowers can be of various colors with white, pink, and red being the most common, and can be produced singly or in groups of five at the top. They measure around five centimeters in diameter on average and crops of other colors such as yellow, blue, and green have been developed.

The carnation can be found in a large number of countries around the world, being a very common flower in the United States, Chile, South Africa, Australia, Colombia, Mexico, and Kenya, withstanding low temperatures without freezing. In Spain, it is the national flower.

Medicinal uses of carnation

Carnations have many medicinal properties that make them unique. ( have many medicinal properties that make them unique. (

At the end of the 18th century, the botanist of New Spain, Vicente Cervantes, claimed that carnations had sudorific and Alexandria properties, which made them good for treating exanthematous fevers (measles, chickenpox, rubella, and more).

Likewise, in some states of Mexico, this plant was used to make bouquets and carry out the so-called “cleansing” and also when there is “cooling in the stomach.”

Likewise, some recommend it to regulate blood pressure. To do this, you should only drink the infusion of the mixture of white carnations with birdseed and honey.

Among its other medicinal uses is that the infusion of the flower helps in case of a nervous attack or anxiety, while it is also said that they are capable of regulating hormonal imbalances.

During premenstrual syndrome, carnation is capable of acting as an anti-inflammatory, which helps reduce swelling in women when they have or are about to have their period. This same quality can be used by pregnant women when they suffer from swelling in their feet, so they can soak them in hot water with the flowers.

Allergy sufferers can use the flower to reduce or soothe some type of skin rash. Likewise, it can be used to help healing and regeneration.

Another of the great benefits of carnation is its power to relieve vision problems and tired eyes. To make it, just boil 40 grams of petals of this flower for every liter of water, then boil and strain.

To treat headaches and insomnia, it is enough to have 100 grams of the flower in a liter of red wine, then let it rest in a dark and cold space for about a month, then you should ingest between 30 and 50 milliliters.

Carnation oil, mixed with any other medicinal oil, is useful for ailments of the body; It is applied directly to the affected parts to relieve discomfort and it is recommended to do it at night.

Carnation is also a good ally when controlling nausea and vomiting. For this remedy, it will be enough to grind the plant and add a tablespoon of honey.

In cosmetic use, the boiled carnation flower can be used in baths to cleanse the face and body, while it will help keep it fresh, healthy, and with a pleasant aroma.

Carnation is a good plant for those who are beginners in gardening. (Canvas)Carnation is a good plant for those who are beginners in gardening. (Canvas)

How to grow carnations?

For carnations to grow in the gardens of the house, it is necessary to find an environment where the temperature is around 10 and 24 degrees Celsius, while it will be a good idea to find a place where it receives direct sunlight but not in the hours where the sun’s rays are strongest.

The carnation is a plant that will not require much care, making it an excellent candidate for those who are just starting to get into gardening or plant care.

Regarding watering, it will be enough to do it constantly but to the point of flooding it. A good trick to know if the plant needs to be watered is to touch the soil or observe if the leaves begin to look wilted.