Are You Born Celiac?: Home Test To Find Out If You Are

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease that affects the entire body and is caused by a permanent intolerance to gluten due to a genetic predisposition. For this reason, the question of whether a person is born with celiac disease or can become celiac in adulthood is often raised.

Many people may have a gluten intolerance, a group of proteins found in wheat, oats, barley, rye, and their derivatives; but they do not know it, since many of the symptoms are extra-intestinal and not very specific.

For this reason, there are a series of blood tests that are decisive for the diagnosis of celiac disease. However, there is a home test that helps, although it is not definitive and does not equal a medical evaluation, to know the professional result.

When does one become celiac?

Specialized organizations, such as the Federation of Celiac Associations of Spain, assure that one is not born with celiac disease, but rather with the presence of certain genetic markers.

These genetic markers can be triggered by consuming gluten for the first time and cause celiac disease, or symptoms can manifest at any time in life.

Celiac disease can be asymptomatic and symptoms may only appear when we are adults. Another important fact is that people with celiac family members have a higher risk of developing this disease. 

symptoms of celiac disease

Why Celiac Disease Awakens

As we explained, celiac disease is triggered when people with certain genes eat foods containing gluten.

Specifically, genetically predisposed individuals have one of two groups of normal genetic variants, known as DQ2 and DQ8.

About 30% of people have the DQ2 or DQ8 genetic variants, but only 3% end up developing celiac disease.

In this regard, some research suggests that among children with a genetic predisposition to celiac disease, those who consume more gluten during early childhood are at greater risk of developing celiac disease. However, further research is needed to investigate this hypothesis.

Other factors that can trigger celiac disease are:

Experts are studying the possibility that a higher number of infections during childhood may increase the risk of this disease. Similarly, certain infections of the digestive system are considered to be a possible risk factor.

Researchers also believe that changes in the microbiome (bacteria in the digestive tract that help with the digestion process) could play a role in the development of celiac disease.

Home test to find out if you are celiac

Several relevant tests can be used to diagnose whether you are celiac, as some symptoms are not very specific and can be confused with other health problems. These include anemia, hair loss, chronic diarrhea, bloating, and weight loss, among others.

The presence of these symptoms may alert the doctor to a possible diagnosis of celiac disease, but more conclusive tests are required for its definition. However, there is a guiding method that acts as a home test, without replacing the medical evaluation.

This is a test kit available in pharmacies that determines the presence of antibodies in the blood in response to gluten ingestion, which helps the doctor suspect possible celiac disease, and of course, seek confirmation.